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Stollenwerck Mania!
Monday, November 07, 2005
  Twixt and Between

This is Jack Goggin, another one of my great nephews. Jack is David and Carroll Goggin's older son. Carroll is my sister Mary's oldest daughter (my oldest neice) and never had the last name Stollenwerck like her sister Allison Franz. The same blood is in there, though. See Ground Control To Major Tom.

Jack and his parents got to Dorsett three hours late on the night my mother gave her annual October dinner. The plane was late. They got to eat outside in the rain around 9 P.M. Jack's about twelve and it's his idea of a good time.

Jack's a hugger. It's remarkable. Somewhere, somehow he got into hugging and now it's automatic. Man or woman, when Jack shows up, you get a hug.

Think about it. Jack's about to be a teenager. He's about to focus on girls. He's a hugger. My guess is he'll kill the competition coming out of the box.

My mother taught me a lot of tricks, but nothing like this.

Posted by Jamie Stollenwerck, November 2005

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There are about 46 people using the name Stollenwerck in the United States today. That's .0000002 of the population. Seven digits to the right of the decimal point. Rare? You bet. This Blog shares information about Stollenwercks who are alive and those who aren't because it's "doable." I wouldn't want to try it with the name Smith. It's hard to hear the sound of one hand clapping, though. Please help it be a success and pitch in until we reach critical mass. Thanks, Jamie.

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