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Stollenwerck Mania!
Sunday, November 07, 2004
  Fourth Cousins

You're looking at the future and it is now. Kate Stollenwerck's a lawyer, Jeff Stollenwerck's a financial analyst, and Adriane Stollenwerck's getting an advanced degree in urban policy. Whew! The third cousins should sit back and let the fourth cousins take over. It works for me....

Kate's done a lot of research about Stollenwerck's in her legal database. This means I've got plenty to do in the winter to market Stollenwerck Mania! by mail. Plenty.

Jeff's been at the same job for some time now...a good sign. I understand he's been in contact with John Lynch and John and Allyson may be planning a charity golf tournament at the Fairfield CC. Great golf course. Watch out for the trap in front of the fifth green.

Adriane's been feeding the poor at City Harvest In NYC for two or more years and runs a volunteer department. She gives seminars at places like Goldman Sachs and gets her picture taken with Mayor Bloomberg. Ado knows how to promote.

With Adriane and Allyson putting it out there, Jeff running the money, and Kate telling us whats legal, Donald Trump's history.

Posted by Jamie Stollenwerck

Great job! The site looks great . . . so much fun!

Posted by Kate StollenwerckPosted by Hello

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There are about 46 people using the name Stollenwerck in the United States today. That's .0000002 of the population. Seven digits to the right of the decimal point. Rare? You bet. This Blog shares information about Stollenwercks who are alive and those who aren't because it's "doable." I wouldn't want to try it with the name Smith. It's hard to hear the sound of one hand clapping, though. Please help it be a success and pitch in until we reach critical mass. Thanks, Jamie.

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